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Tenley's Thoughts

Learn. Practice. Gymnastics.

This is my blog about gymnastics, the skills I’m learning, my love for the sport, my struggles, and what keeps me motivated.

College Bound Showcase

“Thankful every Day –Blessed Beyond Measure!” 

College Bound Showcase was such an amazing experience!   I felt so very blessed to be a part of  it.

I absolutely LOVE every single moment that I get to do this sport that I love!

I made a video of some of the skills that I am working.    I would love for you to take a look at it.


Tenley Bella

Upgrade Time

“It’s not how bad you want it, it’s how hard you are willing to work for it!”

It is now my favorite time of the year! The time where I can power work upgrades! I absolutely love learning new skills and the feeling that all my hard work is paying off.

This summer I am attending the Region 3 College Bound Showcase where I am going to be performing and showing off all my new skills and progress! I am SO very excited. I love being able to show off all my skills I’ve worked on this off season! I feel so very blessed to be back working and competing after recovering from an elbow injury. Every day that I am in the gym being able to practice and perform is a blessing from GOD!



Fighting Back

Sometimes GOD ​Gives Us Hard Times
To Appreciate The Good Ones!

I have learned that Life tends to throw unexpected curve­ balls at you, and most of the
time, it is when you are not ready for them!

This past December everything was going really well. I was getting ready for my very
first level 10 season, which is my very favorite time of the year as I live for competing!
Right before my mock meet, I found out I had a stress fracture in my elbow. At first, it
was completely devastating, there were lots of frustration and tears but then I decided to
focus on the positive and all the things that I could do and not be sad over the things I
couldn’t. I sat down and made lists of ALL the things that I could STILL do, plus all the
upgrades that I could acquire during my “down” time. You can always get stronger, plus
I focused on the two events I could do, Beam and Floor. I acquired a ton of new skills
and new connections!

I didn’t want that one doctor’s visit to define who I am. Over the last few months I have
become a stronger person, (both physically and mentally) and I didn’t let that one little
injury affect me. Now, I am focusing on getting all of my skills back and getting a ton of
new upgrades. I am going to come back even stronger than before because through
this whole journey, I never lost faith in GOD and his plans for the future.
One of my favorite quotes is…

“Your past NEVER ​defines your


“The happiest people don’t neccessarily have the best of everything, but they make the most of everything.”  This is quote that has guided me….I was determined to make the most of this amazing opportunity in front of me!

Going into the Western National Championship, I only had one goal and focus in mind…to hit 4 for 4 on my events!  I knew if I hit 4 for 4, then there would be nothing else I could do.  The rest would be up to the judges from there.

When I walked into the arena, I knew no matter what happened that I had to turn the page and move on.   It was so cool to be competing with the best gymnasts in the nation and representing Region 3!   I wanted to take full advantage of this incredible opportunity.

I was a little nervous, because I started on beam and was second up!  I hit my beam routine and I was very proud of myself because I didn’t let my nerves get the best of me.   Now it was on to floor.  I was last to go on floor.  It was also the last time I would compete this routine, as I am getting a new routine for next season.  I wanted to go out there and perform like there was no tomorrow!  I felt great after I hit my floor routine.  I gave it everything I had.

Next, it was on to vault.  I had one of my best vaults of the season and to top it off, I stuck my landing!   My meet was going excellent, but I still had one event left and needed to stay focused.  Bars was bitter sweet as I look back now, because it was the last time my bar coach would coach me as she is moving to California.   I’m glad she got to see me hit my bar routine one last time.  When I landed my dismount, it was one of the best feelings in the world.

I accomplished my goal!  Hitting 4 for 4 helped me get 9th in the all around, 8th on bars and floor, and 5th on vault.  I also stuck every dismount.  I feel so incredibly blessed and thank God that I got to experience this incredible moment and create memories that I will never forget.

The last few weeks, I have been working on upgrades.  I have been working really hard on getting new skills, because my goal is to make it to level 10 and qualify for Nationals next season.

One of my favorite quotes is “The difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a gymnasts determination.”


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