
“Hardship often prepares an ORDINARY person for an EXTRAORDINARY destiny.”

CS Lewis

This quote is something that I believe in wholeheartedly.     These last two years of my gymnastics “career” have been a struggle to say the least, but I realize now that I would NEVER have become the person that I am today without these struggles.

An injury can shatter your dreams OR you can use the experience to change EVERYTHING!

I LOVE this sport tons—truly with all my heart and soul—But I also learned that I am so much more than just a gymnast.    I have learned that I can be a leader on the sidelines.  I love encouraging others!  I love to see happiness in people around me— So, I have spent the last 2 years finding my way and realizing that one person can truly make a difference in this world.

I have learned that LIFE is not just about ME— it is about WE!    That is truly why making a difference can change everything.  When you stop obsessing about yourself—your own goals and put others first—things just have a way of working out.

The PURE happiness that I have found in volunteering,  organizing food and clothing drives for people in need,  making heating pads for the Children’s hospital…. There TRULY  is no greater happiness than helping others.     I LOVE finding new ways to make an impact on this world and helping others.

I have learned that LIFE does NOT always go your way, but if you look for the silver lining… things always have a way of working out.    Every day brings new challenges OR new opportunities–  it just depends how you look at it!

I have learned to ENJOY the journey.   Life is not just about the destination.  I have found joy in the little successes and that just makes life better.

I know that someday I will change the world…but my story isn’t finished.   I will make every single day count.   In school, gymnastics, volunteering and my Faith.    My parents have always told me –Faith can move mountains—now I understand.

ANYTHING is possible if you believe in yourself and are willing to work for it.

Stay tuned…  my story is just beginning—and the rest is still unwritten.


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